A purple and blue moth with chrome antenna and eyes


BIOMORPHOSIS is a series exploring the combination of nature with man-made materials.

I use this series as a way to not only improve my 3D modeling skills, but also as a way to appreciate the intricate details of the world around me; how a moth’s antenna has a similar structure to a feather, or how the muscles in a snake’s mouth stretch. BIOMORPHOSIS is not an attempt to improve the natural world based on our own perceived aesthetics, but rather an attempt to understand it.


3D Modeling

Programs used

Adobe AfterEffects

pursuit of light

Biomorphosis started as just a model of a moth. Intrigued by the way moth's move and the cartoonish proportions of their eyes, I wanted to practice my sculpting and texturing skills through a personal project. While I'm not the biggest fan of insects, I can appreciate the intricate beauty they possess.

Like moths, I think we can all pursue warmth and light in our own lives.

A purple and blue moth with chrome antenna and eyes sitting on a metallic branch3 purple and blue moths on a chrome treeA purple and blue moth with its wings spread


The next venture in the series is a blooming flower with a chrome stamen and branch. Modeled after an orange blossom, the flower grows on a tree of chrome.

A purple flower with a chrome stem and centerPurple flowers growing on a singular chrome branchA chrome tree of purple flowers

in the garden

As 2025 is the Year of the Snake, I wanted to explore the idea of a chrome snake, or cobra rather.  Scales lend themselves to a metallic material as they already have a shine and uniformity to them.

A metal cobra with its teeth bared and tail curledA metal snake with its tail weaving in and out of frameA metal cobra on a black background